What is web hosting?
What is a Web Host?
To have a website on the internet you first need to have a web server. Unfortunately, owning a web server can be very costly and requires technical expertise that most businesses don't have. This is where ProWeb comes in. Web hosting companies provide the equipment and other technical resources that you need without the headaches that come when you have to do it yourself.
Think of a Web Host as the landlord of building. A landlord rents out storefronts to various businesses. Each business decorates and runs their store differently, and doesn't worry about the maintenance of the building. In a similar way a Web Host rents out space on a web server, to various businesses. Each business builds their own website and never has to worry about the maintenance of their web server.
In other words, the Web Host provides the place on the internet where your website lives. It's a lot cheaper than buying you own server, having high speed internet connections, and you don't have to hire the technical staff to take care of it.
What kind of hosting should I choose?
Virtual Hosting: Virtual hosting offer clients the ability to host their website on a powerful, professionally managed servers, at a low monthly cost. Virtual hosting provides individual websites with connectivity, 99% uptime and 24/7 monitoring for a fraction of the cost of a dedicated or co-located or cloud server.
Intended Clients and Uses
Virtual hosting is an excellent solution for most hosting needs. Designed to host e-commerce sites and static / dynamic web pages, virtual hosting offer clients a reliable web presence without advanced technical skills.
No technical skills required to use virtual hosting.
Virtual hosting provides a cost-effective way for clients to maintain a reliable web presence without extensive technical resources.
ProWeb supports virtual hosting, please contact us for other hosting options such as co-location or cloud/vps.
If you require support please contact us.