What is email forwarding?

Email forwarding is the science of using your domain as part of your email address. With email forwarding you can create email addresses and forward them to an existing email address, such as the one provided by your dial-up or broadband provider.

As an example you can set a user@domain-name.co.nz to point to user@broadband-provider.co.nz. This means that any "alias", e.g. sales, accounts, info, will be automatically forwarded to the existing email address.

You can set up multiple forwards to point to different addresses.


What is a POP3 account?

POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol and it is like having a PO Box at your local post office. You have to login to the ProWeb Mail Servers or ProWeb WebMail to download your mail, similar to using a key to open the box and collecting the mail which is waiting for you.

Additional POP3 accounts can be added to your account.


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